
Mosaics are used for backsplashes above sinks and ranges as well as bathrooms, showers and fireplaces. Carpet Floor & More carries a comprehensive line of wall tiles and mosaics including glass, metal, porcelain and stone mosaics. The line also includes moldings, borders and sheets in various colors, sizes, textures and finishes.
Carpet Floor & More, Inc., offers a full line of mosaics and wall tile. Our mosaics line includes moldings, borders & sheets in various sizes and finishes. These items are a perfect complement for bathrooms, showers, backsplashes, flooring & fireplaces. The combination of designs that can be created from these products are endless. Ask us about how to compliment your project with mosaics to any of your natural stone appplications.
Types of Mosaics
Most popular mosaics are Natural Stone Mosaics, Glass Mosaics, Metal Mosaics, Porcelain Mosaics, Glass Stone Blend Mosaics, Glass Metal Blend Mosaics, Glass Stone Metal Blend Mosaics